Credibility Score
Credibility Scores quantify credibility indicators.
The Credibility Score algorithm will factor in a variety of weighted indicators. Indicators include relevant on chain actions, such as:
number of vouchers, mutual vouches, and amount vouched
mutual vouch duration and defection
credibility score of vouchers or reviewers
average rating of your contributions on Ethos
account ages of attestation
Weights do not need to be linear. For example, having 100 positive reviews may provide 2x more credibility than 10 positive reviews.
Indicators and weights may be added, removed, or adjusted according to the Credibility Consensus.
The range of the credibility score is currently 0 to 2800, with 5 different levels
0-799 - untrusted
800-1199 - questionable
1200 - 1599 - netural
1600-1999 - reputable
2000- 2800 - exemplary
All wallets and attestations start at the default 1200 score, "neutral."
Credibility scores are intended as an "at a glance" quick estimate of credibility across many domains. No single number can represent the complexities of one's reputation among that many groups and interactions. Different communities' needs may warrant additional weights and calculations. Ethos open protocol allows other dApps to define alternate scores using the same on chain records.
Under the hood
The credibility score will be calculated using on chain Ethos protocol data only. The algorithm will be committed to the Ethos Smart Contract, with all details publicly verifiable.
Other dApps may surface alternative credit scores.
Last updated