
Slashing fines unethical behavior.

Social Validation

In the Ethereum Proof of Stake consensus protocol (Beacon Chain), with sufficient staked Ethereum (currently 32Ξ), one may act as a validator. Validators verify the accuracy and security of transactions and receive rewards for their efforts. Validators may act as a "whistleblower" and highlight an inaccurate or insecure transaction for extra validation, with various rewards and fees.

Today in Ethos, you become eligible to validate and participate in slashing events if you have a minimum of 2Ξ staked cumulative across any Ethos profiles; this minimum is subject to change as we evaluate validator participation.

Slashing - Financial

Any Ethos participant may act as a "" to accuse another participant of inaccurate claims or unethical behavior. This accusation triggers a 24h lock on staking (and withdrawals) for the accused.

The whistleblower requests human validation by pledging a nominal reward to validators. Validators vote to indicate if they found the claims valid. Validators are rewarded the same whichever way they vote.

If validators vote in favor of the whistleblower, they reward the whistleblower pledged to validators is reimbursed from the amount staked by the accused. This is the "slashing punishment," and it cannot exceed 10% of the total amount staked in Ethos (as of writing)

This is the only way in which staked funds may be withdrawn without the explicit approval of the person staking those assets. It is intended to be rare; most unethical behavior can be reported first by a negative review or unvouching.

Upon being slashed the accused has a 72h grace period before they may be slashed again.

Slashing - Social

Ethos users can also create "Social Slashings" where instead of actual capital risked, they risk their own social capital in the form of their credibility score. The slashing follows a similar process of voting and validation for their claim.

Last updated