
Each Profile aggregates credibility evidence.

Credibility Hub

One's Ethos Profile presents a summary of relevant credibility cues. Each cue represents on chain activity from Ethos protocol or linked wallets. It highlights the most high impact Ethos elements, including high stakes vouches, high profile reviews, and major financial holdings.

The profile provides a launching off point to answer questions beyond what can be summarized in a single page. Drill down to identify what's most relevant. From the profile you can ascertain their social circles, allies, major praise and gaffes, kept and broken promises, etc.

Credibility Score

The Ethos Credibility Score attempts to summarize as much relevant financial and reputational elements into a single numerical value. This is similar to a how a credit report includes a credit score.

Because this calculation depends on social norms and impacts people's livelihoods, the algorithm itself is determined by the Credibility Consensus.

Chain Station

The Ethos Profile provides a convenient user experience for vouching, attesting, and leaving reviews. However, the profile itself is stateless; it retrieves data from on chain, and facilitates transactions with the Ethos Smart Contract.

The intent is that anyone may offer alternate profiles or applications that retrieve Ethos protocol data. Ethos provides a platform and record of credibility data; there are likely to be many useful ways to interpret it.


The Ethos vision includes being able to assess credibility for anyone you interact with online. The profile is the most substantial realization of that vision.

Ideally other apps may reference elements of the profile contextually, without requiring the user to navigate to the profile page.

Under the hood

The profile is stateless but Ethos off-chain infrastructure retains a cache for prompt page loads.


Profile is intended as a noun, not a verb.

Last updated